ARCOS 7 Help


The Admin tools allow users with administrative permissions to manage important ARCOS configuration settings such as: which users are allowed access to which parts of ARCOS; what regularly scheduled Jobs run; and what payment accounts are available for use with contribution forms.

Admin Tools


Add, edit, or delete ARCOS user accounts


Add, edit, or delete Groups (sets of permissions for Users)


Add, edit, or delete websites managed by ARCOS


Add, edit, or delete categories (directories) from your website(s)


Add, edit, delete, or reorder Desks


Add, edit, or delete Contributors (the writers, photographers, or illustrators who contribute to the creation of Stories or Media files on your site)

Scheduled Jobs

View and delete scheduled Jobs (Stories or Media files that have been set to Publish or Expire in the future)

Contribution Recipients

View, add, edit, or delete contribution recipients

Membership Levels

View, add, edit, or delete paid membership levels

Payment Accounts

View, add, edit, or delete Payment Accounts


Control whether a newspaper is used by the LTE tool or not

Radio Shows

Control whether a radio show is used by the Call Talk Radio tool or not
