In order to enter content into ARCOS, you must first define and create your site architecture. The site architecture is basically the directories where the published content lives. For example, if your site has a News section you'll need to create a category (directory) where these news stories will sit (a good name for this category would be "News"). Click Categories in the left navigation and you'll be taken to the Category List page. This is a list of all the existing categories in the system.
To Add a Category
- Click the Add Category button. You will be taken to the New Category page.
- Click the Choose button to select the Parent category (the directory under which your new category will live). A pop-up will display the existing category tree.
- Enter the name of your new category in the Directory text box.
- Click Create. This will open the Edit Category page. This is the page where you can build out the site navigation.
To Add a Link to Your Category Page
- Click the Add element button and the Navigation Story Link will open up.
- Click Find Story to select the Story you wish to add to the navigation.
- Enter the Display Name for your link in the text box.
- Click Save and you will return to the category list.