The User List lets you view, add, edit, and delete ARCOS user accounts.
To Search for a User
- Enter their first or last name.
- Click the Search button.
To Add a User
- Click the Add a New User button. This will take you to the Add User page.
- Enter the user's First and Last Name.
- (Optional) Enter the user's Email address, Phone number, and Mobile Phone number.
- Choose what Group(s) you would like the user to be in. Which Group(s) a user is in will determine what permissions the User has on the site.
- Create a User Name for the user. The User Name must be at least 6 characters long.
- Create a password for the user. For security reasons, the password should be at least 6 characters, and should contain at least one letter, one number, and one special character such as $, #, *, or &.
- Click the Save button.
To Edit a User
- Click the Edit link next to the user's name.
- Make any changes you would like.
- Click the Save button.
To Delete a User
- Place a checkmark in the checkbox next to the user's name
- Click the Delete Checked button.