Bulk Upload
Instead of uploading individual media files one by one, you can upload multiple files at once using the Bulk Upload tool.

To Upload
- First, zip up all the files you want to upload into a single, compressed file. On a PC, this is called a zip file or .zip file. On a Mac, this is called an archive or a .sit file. How you create this file varies depending on which operating system your computer uses. Often, you can highlight all the files you want to upload, right-click and choose an option such as "Create ZIP file" or "Create Archive".
- Once you have the compressed file ready to upload, in ARCOS go to Media: Bulk Upload. Click on Browse to find the .zip or .sit file on your computer.
- Select the Site/Category to which you want to upload the files. For example, if you are uploading photos, you may want to put them in /images/ or a subcategory of /images/.
- If your compressed file contains one or more folders, place a check in the checkbox beside "Create New Categories (to match those within Archive)". Checking this option will automatically create categories in ARCOS to match the folders in the file you upload. If you don't check this box, you will receive an error message.
- Click the Upload button.
When the upload process is finished, the Media files will appear in ARCOS on your Workspace. You will need to publish the files before they will be available for use on your web site.