New Story
A story is a page of content on your site. To create a new page of content on your site, you can start from scratch by clicking New Story in the left-hand navigation.
On the New Story screen you will find five fields. They are:
- Type
Each story in ARCOS is associated with a story type. The story type you choose determines what the page will look like and (for forms) how it will behave.
Once you select the story type it can't be changed.
- Title
Depending on what template your story uses, the title may or may not be displayed on your website.
You can use spaces and special characters in your title but should avoid using HTML formatting in the title as this impacts search engine optimization.
- Slug
The slug is the string of text that follows the site name and category in the URL. For example, the page you're looking at right now — — lives on in the category /arcos/ and has a slug of "new."
The slug must be unique in that category and must not contain any spaces or special characters.
If you want the story you're creating to live at the root of the category, check the Category Index box and don't enter a slug.
- Cover Date
The cover date is the date associated with this story.
Depending on what template your story uses, the cover date may or may not be displayed on your website. For example, it makes sense for the cover date of a press release to be displayed; it doesn't really make sense for a contribution form to display a cover date.
The cover date defaults to the current date and time, but you can change the date to any future or past date by changing the dropdown values in these fields.
- Site/Category
This is where you select which website (for organizations with multiple websites) and category of the site the story will live on.
- Click the Choose button to open the category chooser window.
- Click the [+] next to the site where your story will live.
- Click on the name of the category you want or, to pick a subcategory, click on the [+] next to that subcategory.
- When you have chosen a site and category, click the OK button.
Note that you can resize the category chooser window by clicking on the bottom right corner and dragging until you reach the desired size. This is helpful if you have many categories in your site.
After the above information is entered, click the Create button. This will take you to the next step: Edit Story. At this point, your new story now exists in ARCOS and is checked out by you.