ARCOS 7 Help


My Alerts allows you to set up email alerts based on other ARCOS users' actions.

Why Use Alerts?

Alerts can streamline your organization's internal communication and help keep everyone who plays a role in maintaining your website(s) informed. For example, your Director of Communications may want to create an Alert so that she receives email when other users check in a story to the Publish desk. A manager may want to create an Alert so that he receives email whenever another user saves a story to a particular category on the site.

Types of Alerts

Alerts can be set up to send you an email when other users:

Check In

Check In a Story, Media file, or Template.

Check Out

Check Out a Story, Media file, or Template

Move To

Move a Story from one Desk to another


Create a New Story, Media file, or Template


Publish a Story, Media file, or Template


Save a Story, Media file, or Template

Alerts can be tailored to apply only to specific Desks or to specific categories of the site(s). You can only set up email alerts for yourself; you can not set up or send alerts for other users.

To Create an Alert

  1. Select the desired Action from the drop-down menu.
  2. (Optional) Choose a Site/Category if you want to only receive email alerts when that Action is taken on a specific Site or in a specific Category of a Site.
  3. (Optional) Choose a Desk if you chose Check In, Check Out, or Move To in step 1 and you want to only receive email alerts when that Action is taken for a specific Desk.
  4. Click the Add Alert button.

This may be repeated to cover all desired actions.

Example 1

Angie is the Director of Communications. She wants to receive an email every time another user moves a story to the Publish desk for final approval. She should set up an alert as follows:

  1. Select Action = Check In
  2. Select Desk = Publish
  3. Click the Add Alert button

Example 2

Bruce is overseeing the work of several volunteers who are working on the "Press Releases" section of the site, which lives at Bruce wants to receive an email every time a story is saved to this category of the site. He should set up an alert as follows:

  1. Select Action = Save
  2. Click the Choose button. Click on the "press" folder. Click OK.
  3. Click the Add Alert button

To Delete and Alert

  1. Place a checkmark in the checkbox next to the Alert you want to delete.
  2. Click the Delete Alerts button.